mutrex logoMutRex: the mutation-based test generator for regular expressions

Reg exp:

MutRex algorithm:

Basic algorithm
Use monitoring
Use collecting

Mutation operators:

Toggle All CA (CaseAddition) CC (CaseChange)
C2M (Char2MetaChar) CCA (CharacterClassAddition) CCC (CharacterClassCreation)
CCM (CharacterClassModification) CCN (CharacterClassNegation) CCR (CharacterClassRestriction)
M2C (MetaChar2Char) NCCO (NegatedCharacterClassToOptional) NA (NegationAddition)
PA (PrefixAddition) QC (QuantifierChange) RM (RangeModification)
WP (WrongPrecedenceClosure)

MutRex orientation:

Prefer accepted
Prefer rejected

MutRex syntax

The syntax accepted by MutRex can be found here
MutRex supports also
\d is short for [0-9]
\w stands for "word character"
\s stands for "whitespace character"

Some examples can be downloaded here and some more here
MutRex is still experimental - see papers:
P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
Fault-based test generation for regular expressions by mutation
in Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2019
[download the pdf], [doi]

P. Arcaini, A. Gargantini, E. Riccobene
MutRex: a mutation-based generator of fault detecting strings for regular expressions
in 12th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2017), Tokyo, Japan, March 13, 2017
[download the pdf], [doi]
Source code is available on github